


just some passing thoughts..

30 people from Mexico border town have applied for asylum in the good old USofA......they have been granted a hearing due to the violence in Mexico...if granted, they get instant citizen ship and 2 or 3 years of comes all of Mexico....maybe I could apply for asylum in Mexico...

big shoot out on the streets of Chicago....some killed a lot wounded..just so happens that a TV film crew was on hand to film....interesting

Asian man cuts off his own penis...his girl married another man..guess he showed her...

Chinese man with moobs (man boobs) was refused operation to remove them....says he is going to do it himself.....maybe he could  get assistance from the guy who whacked off his own penis...

Mexican military and drug cartel at war over border towns.....I say we give them Chicago and call it even......

Ex-police officer and Fireman in LA area gets no jail time for beating a puppy to death with a rock... go figure....maybe some one should cut off his penis...I'm not sure whether that would be before or after they whack him in the head with a rock..probably before..I sure as dam hell would want him to feel it...

and....the question of the day....

will the women bombers that killed all the people in Russia get 40 virgin Muslim men in heaven?

No.....the better question is.....where are they going to find 40 virgin Muslim men?

maybe the guy with no penis could fill in for them...I'll bet he will still be a virgin when he gets to heaven.

no I'm not eligible...anyway I would be to bump to hard and boom (see below)

finally.....I understand they can put plastic explosives in a woman's breasts and I guess a man's if he has do they check that out? would not able to tell by cannot tell by x-rays...maybe they would explode if you felt them....maybe....Houston, we have a problem....

think I'll stay home.....


Gel said...

Oh my, I cannot finish reading because I'm laughing so hard (after checking that my "parts" are still intact!). Back to read this after a quick jaunt...

Gel said...

Back- These observations about our society may spur some to take up surgery as a career or turn them off...
Obviously, much of this post is not laughable. It's sad, even devastating.

I firmly wish the news would be more focused on LIVING than violence and death. That poor puppy and uh, hello? People who kill animals for "fun" often turn out to be psycho or serial killers, so no jail time is .

About Me

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So Cal, United States
I am an apprentice writer of short stories and I also attempt a little poetry.